
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream

Everybody has their favorite fruits. For me that fruit is blueberries. I just love them! I used to adore them when I was a kid. Unfortunately they are expensive so when I would go grocery shopping with my parents and I would ask for them they would say no... I guess I can understand that since we would chomp on them like they were candy and they would be gone that day. But now that I grocery shop for myself I always buy blueberries hehe and if any of my babies want blueberries I will be sure to buy them for them : D

Anyways, when it is summer I feel obliged to make things with berries. They have such a small window of time when their flavor is at its' prime and I want to take complete advantage of that! I had a ton of leftover sour cream so I thought I would go with this simple looking Blueberry Sour Cream ice cream I found from Dorie Greenspan's baking book. She is an extremely dependable baker.

I really like sweetened sour cream. Some people find the tang to be too overwhelming. I adore it. If you like sweetened lemon things, you'll probably like sweetened sour cream things as well. So in essence you may find the slight tang in the ice cream to be distracting while I find it to be perfectly complementing. It all depends on your preference. I suppose if you are worried just adjust the sour cream amount by lowering it and adding to the amount of heavy cream you use equally.

You should know, that aside from the avocado ice cream that I made in May (which oddly enough also has sour cream), this is one of the easiest ice cream's I have ever put together. And it doesn't make too much either, just enough to share between a couple people fresh or enough to last one person, like myself, a couple of days before it turns icy.

 I like for my ice cream to melt and get soft and creamy hehe
I also like to eat it out of a cup... or even better, a mug.

Or on top of a brownie, Mmmmmm... SO good!
Haven't you ever heard of chocolate covered blueberries? Exactly

Here is a nice tip for you! Press some plastic wrap against the surface of the ice cream 
before you freeze it. It will help prevent that icy surface that develops.

Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream
adapted from "Baking: From My Home to Yours" by Dorie Greenspan
Print Recipe

1 cup blueberries - fresh or frozen (if frozen, thaw and drain)
1/3 cup sugar (or more to taste)
pinch of salt
grated zest and juice of 1/4 lemon (or lime as you prefer) or more juice to taste
3/4 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup sour cream

Put the blueberries, sugar, salt and lemon zest and juice into a medium nonreactive saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring, until mixture boils and the berries pop and soften, about 3 minutes.

Turn the berries into a blender and whirl until you have a fairly homogeneous puree, about one minute. (It will never be completely smooth, and that's just fine.) Add the heavy cream and sour cream and pulse just to blend. Taste and, if you'd like, add a squirt more lemon juice or a tiny bit more sugar.

Pour the custard into a bowl and refrigerate until it is chilled before churning it into ice cream.
Scrape the chilled custard into the bowl of an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions. Pack the ice cream into a container and freeze for at least 2 hours, until it is firm enough to scoop.

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